We now offer the healthiest shakes found anywhere in the world! Recovery Shakes are as important as your workout. In fact, if you miss your Recovery Shake you may as well have stayed in bed!
We are now using only vine-ripened, 100% crushed fruit with no added sugars. Vine-ripened means that good ol’ Mother Nature had the chance to put all the vitamins and minerals that the sun, soil and rain have to offer into every morsel. We'll only blend it when the fruit is at its ripest. Since we use primarily the skins, seeds and pulp of fruits, our shakes are lower in calories but higher in nutrients. Each shake is like eating three servings of fruit! And because fruit is naturally sweet, there is no reason to add additional sugars; nobody else can make that claim!
Our recipes are precisely developed to help you meet your nutrition and performance goals. Eat Well!